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Lynx includes a validation middleware that allows you to validate incoming requests. You can validate the request JSON body, URL query, path parameters, and headers.

Manual Validation

The validator middleware takes a function that returns a boolean and an optional error message. If the function returns false, the middleware will respond with a 400 status code and the error message.

After validation, the validated data is stored in the req.valid table.

local validator = require("@lynx/validator")
app:post("/validate", validator(function(value)
if type(value) ~= "table" then
return false, "Expected JSON object"
if not then
return false, "Missing 'name' field"
if not value.age then
return false, "Missing 'age' field"
return true
end), function(c)
local json = c.req.valid.json
return c:text(`Hello, {}! You are {json.age} years old.`)

By default, the validator checks the JSON body. You can also validate the URL query, path parameters, or headers by using the optional first argument.

Validation targets: json, query, params, headers.

app:get("/validate", validator("query", function(value)
if not then
return false, "Missing 'name' query parameter"
return true
end), function(c)
local query = c.req.valid.query
return c:text(`Hello, {}!`)

Validation with t

t is a runtime type-checking library for Luau. The functions returned by t can be used directly in the validator.

app:post("/validate", validate(t.interface({
name = t.string,
age = t.number,
})), function(c)
local json = c.req.valid.json
return c:text(`Hello, {}! You are {json.age} years old.`)

By using t, you’ll get a more detailed error message when the validation fails.

POST /validate
body: {}
> [interface] bad value for name:
string expected, got nil
POST /validate
body: {
"name": "Ronald McDonald",
"age": "59"
> [interface] bad value for age:
number expected, got string