Routing is simple and powerful in Lynx.
app:get("/", function(c) return c:text("Hello, Lynx!")end)
-- Match all methodsapp:all("/all", function(c) return c:text("All methods")end)
-- Match a custom methodapp:on("LIT", "/", function(c) return c:text("Custom method")end)
GET / -> Hello, Lynx!GET /all -> All methodsPOST /all -> All methodsLIT / -> Custom method
Paths can contain named parameters that are extracted from the URL.
app:get("/hello/:name", function(c) local name = return c:text("Hello, " .. name .. "!")end)
GET /hello/Dave -> Hello, Dave!
You can have multiple parameters in a path.
app:get("/hello/:first/:last", function(c) local first = c.req.params.first local last = c.req.params.last return c:text("Hello, " .. first .. " " .. last .. "!")end)
GET /hello/Dave/Baszucki -> Hello, Dave Baszucki!
JSON can be retrieved from the request body.
app:post("/json", function(c) local body = c.req:json() return c:json(body)end)
Wildcards can be used to match multiple paths. When placed at the end of a path, it matches any path that starts with the prefix.
app:get("/hello/*", function(c) return c:text("Hello, Wildcard!")end)
GET /hello/world -> Hello, Wildcard!GET /hello/world/again -> Hello, Wildcard!
If you don’t need a named parameter, you can use a wildcard instead. It only matches one level.
app:get("/wild/*/card", function(c) return c:text("Hello, Wildcard!")end)
GET /wild/one/card -> Hello, Wildcard!GET /wild/one/two/card -> 404 Not Found
Routes can be grouped in sub-apps and then routed on the main app.
local api =
api:get("/hello", function(c) return c:text("Hello, API!")end)
app:route("/api", api)
GET /api/hello -> Hello, API!
Middleware can be used to modify the context before or after the handler is executed.
app:use(function(c, next) c:header("X-Request-Id", "123") next()end)
If you don’t specify, it’s applied to all routes. It can be applied to a specific path.
app:use("/admin/*", function(c, next) if not c.req.headers["authorization"] then return c:status(401):text("Unauthorized") end next()end)
Middleware can also modify the response after the handler is executed.
app:use(function(c, next) local start = os.clock() next() local time = os.clock() - start c:header("X-Response-Time", time)end)
Handlers and middleware are executed in the order they are defined.
app:get("/hello/world", function(c) return c:text("Hello, World!")end)
app:get("/hello/:name", function(c) return c:text("Hello, stranger!")end)
GET /hello/world -> Hello, World!GET /hello/other -> Hello, stranger!
Once the first handler is executed, no more handlers are executed for that request.
app:get("/*", function(c) return c:text("Defined first")end)
app:get("/two", function(c) return c:text("Defined second")end)
GET /one -> Defined firstGET /two -> Defined first
Middleware must be defined before the handler it applies to.
app:use(function(c, next) local start = os.clock() next() local time = os.clock() - start c:header("X-Response-Time", time)end)
app:get("/time", function(c) return c:text("Response time")end)
GET /time -> Response time with X-Response-Time header